Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Good Ole' Days

Being an adult is such a hassle.

Bills, money, house repairs, others' expectations, work, relationship issues, personal goals un-fullfilled...Never-ending always-somethings. Here's a verse from my current favorite song. It is called "Telling Stories" by Greg Brown:

Yesterday I was a boy running through the woods
My dog was my buddy, the wind was green and yellow
My dad called me to gather cedar branches
And soon we were sitting around the fire telling stories

Ah, the simple times. Tadpoles have it made. Once you lose that tail, all bets are off.

Blah, blah, bitch, bitch....


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have had a pretty down couple of days. Hope it gets better. Look back to some happy times. Being negative is like a millstone around your neck. Remember to live your life as if you had the ability to change it and you can.
Enjoy your writing.
Hang in there. JDS

welcome2europa said...

Better already! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Coffee? I know that some with friends makes me feel better.

Let me know.