Monday, June 19, 2006

Go away sun

Where are all the quiet, grey, cool, drizzly days? All this sun and heat is interfering with my grouchiness...and that annoys me.


Russ said...

Here's all I can say...

Pronunciation: (")k&r-'m&-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
1 archaic : MISER
2 : a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man

welcome2europa said...

Yea, I know...but too much sun makes me lazy...don't get me wrong, I hate the cold, dreary rainy days of winter, but I love the cool, quiet summer days...

Russ said...

Wow. You're quite the rainmaker! You write about gray, rainy days and *poof* -- you get gray rainy days.

Don't start writing about Hillary in '08, mm-kay?